Dear Friends of the Woodville School,

As summer comes to a close, we have a lot of news to share.  Thanks to the generosity of the Cook Foundation, the York County Rotary and our many friends and donors in the community, restoration of the large classroom and the renovation of the other rooms are progressing well.
New five panel exterior doors have been installed with funds from the RAFT program (Resilience, Adaptation and Feasibility Tool) supported by the Jesse Ball DuPont Fund).
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This summer, the Foundation provided tours for two family reunions of Woodville School alumni, and to the members of the Colonial Heritage History Club.

The Woodville Public Engagement Committee is collecting oral histories from alumni of Woodville and other African American schools in Gloucester. Mrs. Pagie Florene Dedmond Cosby, at left, is 101 years old and attended the Bethel Rosenwald School. Her oral history, along with others, will be made available at the School when it opens to the public.

The Woodville School will be included as a Place of Interest to visit during Historic Garden Week in Gloucester next spring. While there is still much work to be done, the Board is looking forward to opening the Woodville School to the public in 2024.

Your donation will be matched thanks to a generous grant from the Cook Foundation.

100% of donations go directly to charitable and educational purposes relating to the African American experience in Gloucester County. All donations are tax-deductible. Click Here for details 
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