Dear Friends of the Woodville School,

We hope you were able to join us for an informative Juneteenth celebration that we co-sponsored with First United Baptist Church, and Circle Up Mid-Pen. Foundation Board members Bobby Ray and Wes Wilson gave excellent presentations on the history of the Woodville School and the history of Juneteenth.  Next year, we hope to add new partners as the celebration continues to grow,

Many thanks to Bill Fulton for donating a period school desk and to Rick and Christy Crews for donating a flag with 48 stars.

We continue our work to identify the descendant community of Woodville and the other Rosenwald Schools in Gloucester.  Board member LuAnn Nagel is researching the 1920 and 1930 Federal Census for Gloucester County to identify all the children who would have been eligible to attend the Woodville School and other Rosenwald Schools in the county. The census data can tell us a lot about the families and will be instrumental in finding their descendants who might be able to give us first hand accounts of the school and teachers. 
The Virginia Department of Historic Resources and Data Investigations are partnering to support archaeological investigations at the Woodville School. Colleen Betti will be leading a team of volunteers from William & Mary, UNC-Chapel Hill, the Archeological Society of Virginia, and the Gloucester community. Additional funding to support this work will be raised through the Virginia Archaeology Charitable Trust (, a crowdsourcing platform recently established to support archaeological research in Virginia. We are excited to learn what the archeological survey can teach us about the Woodville School and the school for African American children that predated Woodville on the site. If you see the archeologists working at the site, feel free to stop by and talk to them about their work.

We had a great response to the first Woodville School History Quiz last month.  Click here for this month's quiz.  We hope that you will enjoy learning about Black history with us all year long!  And if you are interested in African American history in Virginia, check out this free Historic Richmond webinar on the History and Documentation of Slave Housing in Virginia.

Your donation will be matched thanks to a generous grant from the Cook Foundation.

100% of donations go directly to charitable and educational purposes relating to the African American experience in Gloucester County. All donations are tax-deductible. Click Here for details 
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