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Giving Tuesday is here!

This year, the Woodville Rosenwald School Foundation is celebrating our Founding Board Member and current President and Executive Director, Wes Wilson, on his 90th birthday. Help us realize Wes's vision for the Woodville School to be a significant site for the preservation of African American history with your donation of $9.00, $90.00, $900.00 or any amount in between! Please use the Giving Tuesday link below, or mail your donation to P.O. Box 1970, Gloucester, VA 23061.  We thank you for your generous support of the Woodville School, and wish you a wonderful holiday season.

Your donation will be matched thanks to a generous grant from the Cook Foundation.

100% of donations go directly to charitable and educational purposes relating to the African American experience in Gloucester County. All donations are tax-deductible. Click Here for details 
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